Polnilna linija CANS & TINS Filler 8.1

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CANS & TINS Filler 8.1 – New for sale
This filling machine is equipped with new Proportional Flow Regulator (PFR) technology and is using Japanese step motors.
Maximum microbiological safety by contactless filling.
The filling accuracy is always guaranteed through every individual load-cell and with every single bottle in every cycle.
With the help of the latest technology actuators with step motors, every individual valve has its own proportional valve.
The target filling value is always matched correctly.
The Proportional Flow Regulator technology is able to adjust the flow of the product proportionally.
The machine utilizes Japanese step motors and actuators.
It does not consume air and so it does not have any air collectors. This reduces the costs of the compressor power consumption and maintenance.
Every nozzle has its own load-cell at the bottom of the bottle base platforms.
The electronic pre-expulsion valve is a “STEP MOTOR ACTUATOR” which adjusts the product flow proportionally according to the load-cell feedback.
All surfaces that come in contact with the product are made of AISI (SAE) 304 stainless food grade steel.
Has standard height adjustment motor for changing sets of different size of cans.
Equipped with a PLC logic system and a touch screen.
Has standard stainless steel electrical cabinet.
The nozzles never get in contact with cans thereby guaranteeing hygienic filling.
Every nozzle has a filter specially designed to prevent leakage.
Previously recorded target filling values can easily be recalled on the touch screen.
Fully automatic and PLC controlled.
Equipped with a frequency inverter for variable speed on main drive motor.
Anti dripping system.
Sterile air inlet to the product tank is not required because of gravitational filling.
Concurrently with the bottles being centered under the nozzle, the load-cell gets ready to measure the flow.
The filling process is controlled by the PLC continuously and the measured filling result tolerances are always optimized.
The machine is compatible with containers like CARBOYS, BINS, CANS, JARS, BOTTLES which can be made of TIN, PLASTIC, POLY-CARBONATE, GLASS, PET materials.
10 or 18 litre: 600, 900, 1.200 bottles per hour
4 or 5 litre: 1.200, 2.000, 3.000, 5.000 bottles per hour
1 or 2 litre: 6.000, 11.000, 18.000, 22.000 bottles per hour
Supported containers of enlarged filler:
20 L, 18 L, 10 L, 8 L, 5 L
Supported containers of compact filler:
3 L, 2 L, 1 L, 0.5 L, 0.2 L
Speed: 600 BPH
Products: Oil
Containers: Can, PET
Formats: 0.20 L, 0.50 L, 1.0 L, 10 L, 18 L, 2 L, 20 L, 3 L, 5 L, 8 L
Safety features: Yes
Manuals: Yes
Rotation: Clockwise
No. of valves: 8
Fill type: Loadcell controlled
Electronic pre-expulsion valve: Other